Poezija dr Smajila Durmiševića na web stranici Svjetske haiku asocijacije

Dr. sc. Smajil Durmišević
Dr. sc. Smajil Durmišević

Dr. sc. Smajil Durmišević was born on in Vratar, Žepa (Municipality Rogatica, Bosnia & Herzegovina), in 1956. He graduated from the Medical Faculty in Sarajevo. He is an associate professor at the University of Zenica. Has published four collections of poetry: “Silent Screams – Bosnian bloody fairy tale”, “Flickers”, “Mountain Flowers of Žepa” and “Fragrance of the Wild Rose”. Haiku poems, poetry, aphorisms and spoof were published in haiku journals: “Sketchbook” in USA; “Kukai” in Israel; literary magazines in Slovenia “Locutio”; literary magazine in Romania “KADO”; “Literary feather” in Rijeka, Croatia; international and printed magazine for culture Sarajevo “DIOGEN”; international magazine in Sarajevo “MAXMINUS”; international satirical magazine “Rhinoceros” in Banja Luka; the literary magazine “Cronica – Poesia balcanica” in Romania; Mainichi Daily News in Japan; Asahi Haikuist Network in Japan; HAIKU NOVINE in Serbia. He attended poetry events “GARAVI SOKAK” in Serbia in 2011 and 2012. Co-authored haiku anthologies “THE 9th HAIKU MEETINGS OF KLOŠTAR IVANIĆ 2011” and “The Anthology of the Haiku Contest – The Sharpening The Green Pencil” in 2012, in 2013 in Romania.

The author won the following literary prizes: the second award for the song “Hands” on competition WEB Portal Islambosna in 2012; the second prize at the competition for a short news story “Operation” NIPD “Naša Riječ” in Zenica in 2012; the second prize at DIOGEN WINTER HAIKU CONTEST in Sarajevo in 2013, the second prize at the 16th Mainichi Haiku Contest in 2012; the first prize at DIOGEN SPRING HAIKU CONTEST in Sarajevo in 2013; praise for a short news story “Examination on the couch” NIPD “Naša Riječ” in Zenica in 2013, the third prize at the 15th Haiku day Dubravko Ivančan, in Krapina of Croatia in 2013. His haiku were selected for the edition of “Haiku Euro 2013: Top 100 Most Creative Haiku”!

Language: Bosnian. Nationality: Bosniak (Bosnia & Herzegovina). E-mail: [email protected].


u hladu, davno… / sjećanja klize ― a bor, / nešto se smješka

long ago, in the shade … / memories sliding ― the pine tree / smiling



lavovi moćni, / ja želim biti samo / ptica pjevica

mighty lions, / all I wish is to be / a singing bird



da, klimamo mi / klimamo, jašta ― sve dok / nosimo glave

yes, we nod, / of course we nod ― as long as / we carry our heads



puše i psuju… / kada ih voliš, budu – / biseri crni

they smoke and cursing… / if you love them, will be / black pearls



u Bosni selo / u selu sela nema… / sjeta i čežnja

a village in Bosnia / in it there is no village… / melancholy and yearning



leptiru plavi, / da li osjećaš dodir / moga pogleda?

you, a blue butterfly / do you feel the touch / of my gaze?



na suhom lišću / siroti kučić spava / o čemu sanja?

a stray puppy sleeping / on the dry leaves / what are its dreams?



jesenje ruže: / jedna je moja kuća / a druga ― pjesma

autumn’s roses: / one is my house / and the other one ― a poem



bosanske bašče / drač i korov ― i tihi / zlatni ljiljani

Bosnian’s gardens: / brambles and weeds and quiet / golden lilies



gle, u Sočiju / brže ― bolje i više, / mladost je moćna!

behold, in Sochi!/ faster , better and more ― / youth is powerful!




1-4: “MIRIS DIVJE RUŽE / FRAGRANCE OF THE WILD ROSE”, Meligrafprint, Zenica, Bosnia & Herzegovina, 2013.

5-7: “World Haiku 2014: No. 10”, Shichigatsudo, Japan, 2014.

8-10: “World Haiku 2015: No. 11”, Shichigatsudo, Japan, 2015.

Author: Smajil Durmisevic

Editor: Ban’ya Natsuishi

Japanese translations: Naoto Tsuchiya & Ban’ya Natsuishi

Copyright © 2013 World Haiku Association

All rights reserved.

All poetry the copyright of the author.

All translations the copyright of the translator.