Posjetite platformu Cultura Agora


Evropska komisija je podržala stvaranje platforme Culture Agora (http://www.cultureagora.info/en/home), koja nudi bogatstvo multimedijalnih sadržaja iz oblasti umjetnosti i kulture, uključujući i mehanizam za traženje partnera u projektima kulture, informacije o manifestacijama i događajima, slobodnim radnim mjestima i programima edukacije i stažiranja, o fondovima i stipendijama, te dokumentaciju koja se odnosi na različite segmente evropske kulturne politike.


1. What is Agora?

Culture Agora, hereinafter “Agora”, is a free-access platform, free for the user, serving a double purpose:

  • facilitate the visibility professional content related to culture, and in more general terms, to cultural and creative industries: training, financing, employment opportunities, as well as partnership search and crowfunding.
  • contribute to the maximum dissemination of audio-visual content (streaming and video) already hosted in other websites which can be of interest for cultural industries professionals and for a larger public interested in culture and the arts, with a particular focus on the streaming of  events and face-to-face meetings.

The contents published in Agora, with few exceptions, have their origins in Europe and the Southern Mediterranean