Svijet koji je zbrisala civilizacija bijelog čovjeka (Foto)


1906. godine američkom fotografu i etnologu Edvardu Kurtisu (Edward S. Curtis) ponuđeno je 75.000 dolara kako bi dokumentovao život sjevernoameričkih Indijanaca, doduše, u vrijeme kada su američki starosjedioci već bili otjerani sa svoje zemlje. Kurtisove fotografije donose romantičnu verziju priče o narodu koji je vladao ovom zemljom i stoje nasuprot slici o divljim plemenima. Za više od tri decenije rada na ovom projektu, Kurtis je putovao od Velikih ravnica do planinskog zapada, od meksičke granice do zapadne Kanade, Arktičkog okeana i Aljaske.

Jeste li kao dječaci (a možda i neke djevojčice) ovako zamišljali svijet Indijanaca prije nego što je zbrisan u naletu ,,civilizacije” bijelog čovjeka?

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Mizheh and babe

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On the Little Big Horn

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A burial platform – Apsaroke

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Jicarilla fiesta, Jicarilla Apaches, most on horse back, moving toward encampment.

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Dakota man, wearing war bonnet, sitting on horseback, his left hand outstreched toward tipi in background, others on horseback.

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The wedding party – Qagyuhl

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Brule Sioux Indians, many wearing war bonnets, on horseback.

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Apsaroke woman on horseback, packhorse beside her.

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Kalispel camp on a riverbank with tipis and frame houses, three canoes in water in foreground.

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Small band of Atsina men on horseback, some carrying staffs with feathers, one wearing a war bonnet.

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Atsina camp scene.

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Atsina crazy dance, Indians shooting arrows toward sky.

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Four Atsina Indians on horseback overlooking tepees in valley beyond.

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The chief – Klamath

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Entering the Bad Lands. Three Sioux Indians on horseback

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Oglala man (Red Hawk) on horse drinking at oasis.

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Piegan encampment

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Crow men on horseback apparently involved in an exchange.

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The wokas season – Klamath