Photographer Fatima Ahmed from the Arab town of Jeddah believes that using photographs can preserve memories. She’s done very well. See her photos on her Facebook profile:
Fatima Ahmed was named one of her photo album ”FOODIE” which in English means terminelogiji a person with a particular interest in food; a gourmet. Synonyms: gourmet, epicure, gastronome, gourmand.
Ramadan is the right time when we need to think about the importance of food. There are many delicious foods created by God for the people. Blessed be God.
Fotograf Fatima Ahmed iz arapskog grada Džida (Jeddah) smatra da pomoću fotografije može sačuvati uspomene. Ona to radi veoma dobro. Pogledajte njene fotografije na njenom Fejsbuk profilu:
Fatima Ahmed je jedan svoj album nazvala ”FOODIE” što u engleskoj terminelogiji znači osoba s posebnim interesom za hranu; gurman. Sinonimi: gurmanski, gurman, gastronom, gurmanski.
Ramazan je pravo vrijeme kada trebamo razmišljati o značaju hrane. Mnogo je ukusne hrane Bog stvorio za ljude. Neka je hvaljen Bog.