Đurđa Vukelić Rožić, Ivanić Grad, Hrvatska
(Tanka /waka – japanska lirska pjesma)
cestom idu
mlada i stara žena
njihove sjene na trenutak
posvema jednake
amidst a wide street
young and old woman walk
the opposite ways –
as they meet their shadows
look just the same
dojila me
na nježnim prsima…
ovoga jutra
mumlja sama sebi,
ne želim ići u školu
she fed me
from her gentle breast …
this morning
she murmurs to herself,
I don’t want to go to school
stranci smo
na prepunim ulicama
istog grada
no, ne budimo tuđinci
u prostranstvu Svemira
we are strangers
in crowded streets of
the same town
but let’s not be aliens
in the vast Space
kolona mrava
maršira verandom
„…Glad u Africi
može se istrijebiti
do 2025. g.“
a line of ants
marching at the porch
“…hunger in Africa
can be eradicated
by 2025 … “
i ove noći
miris ruža zavodi
puni mjesec
moje misli odlijeću
u tvoj topli zagrljaj
this night too
a red rose’s fragrance
seducing the Moon
my thoughts rushing towards you
in my dying dreams
velika je noć
pod treptajem zvijezda
tražim tebe
ljubav je nedodirljiva
kao suze mjeseca
vast is the night
under twinkling stars
in search of you
love is untouchable
like the tears of the moon
na putu iz škole
ruka mu u mojoj kosi
puna nježnosti
njegova ljubavna pisma
dobila sam kad je umro
on the way from school
he used to pull my braids
tenderly with a smile
a lifelong love in his letters
I was given after he died
mostom u suton
pošao si put savana
tražeći ljubav
još uvijek sam kraj rijeke
koja bora moje lice
crossing the bridge
you left for savannahs at dusk
in search of love
alone I wait on the bank
while river wrinkles my face
okopnio je snijeg
uzevši i tvoje stope
s našeg dvora
ptice hranim u tvojim čizmama
ljuteći se na sunce
even the snow
that kept your frozen footsteps
is gone from the yard
I feed the birds in your boots
angry at warmth of sunshine
noćna terasa
starac priča
boci vina
o dva rata koja je
terrace café
an old man talking
to a bottle of wine
the story of two wars
he had won both
kava u 10 –
diskutiram situaciju
s prvom susjedom
uzbuđene oko stvari koje
zapravo ne razumijemo
coffee at 10 –
discussing the situation
with my nearest neighbour
a flaming row over things
we don’t quite understand